Release Notes
Jan 9, 2025
- Support for old SeaQuest 1 devices without tilt sensors.
Jan 8, 2025
Import Assistant — New Feature!
- The Import Assistant imports delimited text for Mag and GPS readings collected by autonomous vehicles.
- One of the field types that can be imported is the raw reading string from a SeaSpy or Explorer.
- The Import Assistant also replaces the old guide line delimited text import, so users can import guide lines from other survey planning applications.
- Presets for importing known formats including:
- GEM GSM-19
- GEM GSMP-35U Standard
- Gavia AUV + explorer
- Iver AUV + explorer
Synapse Configuration
- Keep sensor enabled indicators up to date with online nodes.
- Prevent storing “empty” samples if no nodes are online.
- Keep the configuration of the main altimeter and main depth gauge instead of switching to default after getting a structure update (#CLST).
Profile Plot
- Default Y scales are set to more typical values
- Resizing the profile plot window maintains the same full scale.
- Stop traces from moving when rescaling. While scaling, wrapped field traces are auto-adjusted to pin the end of the trace on the y-scale so they don’t appear to move or scroll up the window.
UI improvements
- Simplified UI when using an imported survey.
- Fix indicator lights on the main mag panel
- Leak indicator correctly shows a leak condition in any of the mags. (Note a warning message was always shown when a leak was detected. This fix pertains only to the indicator light on the panel)
- Indicators for Signal and Gradient Condition aggregate the worst case of all the mags in multi-mag devices.
- Create a marker when the sample rate is changed, or when starting sampling with a new rate.
- If updating a marker that’s already been placed, copy the color, and merge the new text and label instead of overwriting.
- Update marker placement for sampling and layback. Allow duplicate marker times.
Backward Compatibility
- Fixed an issue upgrading surveys from 2014 and earlier
Other Improvements and Fixes
- Fix hiding readings and the unhide-all feature in Base Station Review.
- Prevent applying base station correction for measured gradients with SQ as well as SeaSpy gradiometers.
- Show the Corrected Gradient in Survey Export
- Fixed an issue regarding restarting sampling after synchronizing.
- In the terminal window and logs we add lines indicating the opening and closing of the serial ports.
- When finding Fish location, ignore invalid GPS fixes.
- Allow -1 as a Fix Quality option for NMEA sentences (to support a HyPack driver)
- Improve auto-selection of the date of NMEA GGA readings if no RMC is available.
- Fix export of first reading so it’s either the GPS or fish position as needed (instead of always just the GPS position)
- Fix UTM projection for surveys crossing the Equator.
- Filter out any zero nT magnetic field values, since they are always invalid.
Oct 24, 2024
- This release supports a special project which needs to support an SeaQuest 1 upgraded with SeaQuest 2 firmware and an upgraded altimeter.
- Users must select “SeaQuest2” for BOB to recognize samples from this version of the firmware.
- Empty columns show in the log table for Aft sensor even if it is not installed in the mag.
- The survey export does not calculate the total gradient in this release.
Sep 30, 2024
- UI Improvements
- Full-scale is fixed when resizing the profile plot
- Show tuning value correctly when manual tuning
- Cleaner presentation
- Clearer warnings
- Alignment is more stable when values are changing rapidly
- Better support for Satellite-Synched Transceiver
- Check if transceiver has a lock
- Force transceiver to sync mag if needed
- Synchronization improvements
- More precise
- More resilient to variable system latencies
- Easier to use and understand
- Auto-Correct
- Keep logging even if mag restarts without sync
- Keep time if GPS disconnects or loses lock
- Sync with Satellite-Synched transceiver
Sep 6, 2024
- Fix for crash when opening About window after deactivating BAM license.
July 11, 2024
- Fix: Valid surveys made with BOB wouldn’t show in survey list after re-install.
- Fix: Parsing of Sea Quest readings would fail sometimes.
- Fix: In some cases starting a survey with no active GPS connected would fail.
- GPS Date and Time have been added to the survey export column list.
- Remove support for obsolete Explorer Gradiometer.
June 4, 2024
- Updated infrastructure for better support, security, and speed with these components:
- SQL Server 2022
- .NET 8.0 Desktop runtime
- Support for new Marine Magnetics Products including
- Synapse
- Explorer Gradiometers
- More AUV file types
- BAM now plots partial gradients from any two sensors on our gradiometers
- Simpler installation experience
- Numerous performance and usability improvements
June 4, 2024
- This is a transitional release which contains a notice, and dialog with instructions to upgrade to the latest BOB.
September 18, 2023
- Additional support for SeaQuest 2 gradiometers
- Text in the application is more compatible with airborne surveys. (e.g. removed references to “fish” and “boat”)
December 5, 2022
- Create multiple lines in an area marked on the GeoPlot.
- Fix order of columns in intermagnet parser
- Fix reset the selected parser for each import of base station readings
- Fix overlapping survey lines.
- Fix error in deleting single mag readings.
October 5, 2022
- Improved support for importing GEM drone mag files, including laser altimeter.
- Import GEM base station data
- Improved Gavia AUV import speed, and set GPS fix quality
- Fix: Allow “>” to be sent to the mag from terminal window.
- Fix: GPS icon sometimes showed invalid fix when it was valid.
- Various UI and usability improvements.
June 13, 2022
- Support GEM drone mag
- Altimeter series inverted so higher is bigger
- Marker export improved.
- USB connections no longer supported. Transceivers are configured as virtual COM ports so only com port connections are needed.
May 31, 2022
- Improved Guide Line Importers
- Fixed bug when selecting COM port for repeater.
- Fixed default wingspans for SeaQuest gradiometers.
- Exporting gradients have an extra digit of precision (4) now.
- Numerous UI improvements.
December 21, 2021
Additional support for Sea Quest 2
November 11, 2021
Support Sea Quest 2 differences in zeroing the depth sensor.
October 12, 2021
- This release improves several features,
- supports the new SQ2 mag responses, and
- the Sentinel 2 base station import allows filtering by signal strength.
Profile Plot
- Initialize visibility of series when loading.
- Filter by date for base station and AUV data.
- Don’t import readings to a significant gap in the survey
- Dialogs are topmost and modal.
- Add signal strength filter for base station import.
- Default file type for import set to all log file types, instead of just the intermagnet observatory format.
Survey Lines
- Keep survey line list from restoring default sort order after an edit.
Geo Plot
- Calculate GPS time offset relative to mag clock so it has the same sign as shown on sync warnings
Mag support
- Handle new SQ-2 string
- Format marker list, change icons for expander and visibility buttons.
- Log BOB version number to Alert.log
Prior Releases
- Show signal strength in profile plot
- Get user consent before upgrading BOB
- Allow user to enter fraction of a second into marker time in marker dialog.
- Ok button in preferences closes the dialog now
- Import Sentinel-2 data.
- Fix incomplete drawing of path when selecting a survey line in some cases.
- Improve placement of markers near edges of profile plot.
- Improve detecting when mag is sampling
- Stop GPS readings from being logged in newly opened survey before we start sampling.
- More support for Vector mags
- UI formatting improved
- Zoom to mouse point instead of center of screen
- Show coords where mouse is.
- More accurate placement of markers.
Mag Profile Plot
- Sometimes scale was wrong
- Fix drawing error when crossing midnight.
Log Table
- Allow user to reorder columns.
- Notifications are saved to alerts.log now
- Individual mag positions are exported for longitudinal gradiometers.
- Export failed for surveys that cross midnight.